Technical maintenance
GPS abbreviations
March 3, 2023
Technical maintenance
March 3, 2023
While preparing the delivery of a Lagoon 400 that some of you will be able to admire at the international multihull boat show in Lorient from April 18 to 22, 2012, I realized that some GPS abbreviations can be bewildering! As a matter of fact, if you have read some of my latest articles, you certainly know the meaning of COG, VMG or TWA. But what about XTE, DTW, CDI …?
Let’s go for a little summary of common abbreviations on our electronic equipment,: it cannot hurt, even for the experts!
AWA: Apparent Wind Angle
for more info see here.
AWS: Apparent Wind Speed
for more info see here.
BRG: Bearing to destination
Course toward the next destination point.
BTW: Bearing To Waypoint
Route to the next waypoint.
CDI: Course Deviation Indicator
One of the screens on your GPS allows you to display your boat on a road with two parallel vertical lines: these two lines are called CDI. These lanes identify the track deviation graphically.
CMG: Course Made Good
Route followed from the start.
COG: Course Over Ground
CTS: Course To Steer
Ideal course to follow to reach the destination.
DPT: Depth
DTG: Distance To Go
Distance from the boat to the arrival destination.
DTW: Distance To Waypoint
Distance to next waypoint.
ETA: Expected Time of Arrival
Estimated time of arrival with SOG constant.
ETE: Estimated Time Enroute
Estimated time to reach the next waypoint selected with SOG constant.
The GOTO function allows you to create a direct route to a point chosen.
GPS: Global Positioning System
Position expressed in latitude and longitude
MOB: Man Over Board
NMEA: National Marine Electronics Association
The NMEA is a standard communication of marine electronic equipment controlled by the National Marine Electronics Association.
POI: Points of Interest
Buoy, port …
POS: Position
SOG: Speed Over Ground
STW: Speed Through Water
Tot TTG: Total Time To Go
Estimate of the total time between the starting point and the ending point.
TWA: True Wind Angle
TWD: True Wind Direction
TWS: True Wind Speed
UT or UTC: Universal Time Coordinated, time at the Greenwich meridian.
VMC: Velocity Made on Course
Efficient speed over ground; for more info see here.
VMG: Velocity Made Good
Efficient speed when nearing the wind direction; for more info see here.
WPT: Waypoint
XTE: Cross Track Error
Distance between the boat and the nearest road point of the direct course.
If you are looking for the meaning of an abbreviation not listed here, I recommend the site of the U.S. Coast Guard who have a rather comprehensive list.